Best PHP Framework for Large Scale Applications

If you are looking for a PHP framework to handle your large-scale applications, this post will help you decide the best option.

This list of frameworks includes Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Symphony.

All PHP frameworks have their pros and cons, so it’s important that you read through them carefully before deciding.

What are frameworks, and why should you use them?

Php frameworks are a collection of libraries, functions, and prewritten code that people can download by building PHP web applications or sites.

Php is an open-source programming language that’s fast, reliable, and easy to use. To create complete web pages and apps with certain features without writing all the code from scratch, it might be worth downloading a framework for PHP such as Symfony2 or CakePHP.

Most modern frameworks cater to developers and target individuals who are not programmers – this allows them more control over the site itself if they learn some programming basics to tweak their site’s design and layout on their own. 

Frameworks like CakePHP offer appealing templates which also come with a lot of built-in functions and features.

Why choose PHP framework for your application?

Developers use PHP frameworks to meet a wide variety of needs and requirements. Improve the clarity by focusing on benefits provided by a framework

Long Development Lead Times – Frameworks can help shorten the development timeline by providing an abstracted layer to work on. Web developers spend more time designing and programmatic tasks like writing libraries than they do coding functionalities.

Frameworks are pre-made packages that fix different functionality like templating, routing, database tables, object controllers, and so much more.

It means devs don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time they start a new project – instead, and they can focus on what’s new and exciting about their idea! 

Maintainability – all those possible lines of code waiting to be written for every piece of functionality, you need to help but worry about the future of your product. 

Frameworks are built with maintainability in mind, so when you’re ready to open-source or sell your app, these frameworks will be much easier to work on for newcomers.

Choose one from the list above that is appropriate for your needs.


Laravel is an elegant, expressive PHP framework for development. Laravel has features that allow you to simplify and speed up your development process, like Blade templating syntax, sleek syntax that engenders tasks. You frequently require sessions or queues, authentication by drivers out of the box automatically with just tokens – and it’s easy to learn too.

Laravel is more than just a framework. it has its instant hosting and deployment platform, along with screencast tutorials to help you become an expert in no time.

Its elegant syntax and natural features like async database access and RESTful routing make things so much easier for us! There’s no other tool out there that speaks our language as well as Laravel does.


Symfony is an open-source, modular PHP Web Development Framework that boosts project efficiency and security. Save hours of development time with Symfony’s readiness to use components that make it easier to develop complex applications while still allowing you the flexibility of crafting your solution for unique business requirements. 

A rich selection of modules awaits you in this robust framework!

Symfony Components are reusable PHP libraries with which you can complete different tasks, such as form creation, object configuration, routing, authentication, and templating. 

The Composer PHP dependency manager automatically installs all required components for your project to function flawlessly!


If you’re looking for a robust PHP framework in a lightweight package, don’t bother searching any further. We’ve got you covered with CodeIgniter! You can’t beat the easy installation process where configuration only takes minimal effort and hassle.

Best of all, CodeIgniter runs on almost all shared and dedicated hosting platforms. Plus, it’s not based strictly on MVC development patterns so take your pick between models or views – we won’t judge.

CodeIgniter requires PHP 5.2+, either shared or dedicated hosting platform, and MySQL 4+ (MSSQL 8+).

Yii 2

Yii frameworks now provide a slew of powerful features, and by choosing to use them, you can enjoy improved performance and time savings – because Yii 2 is based on the principle that every object should do only one thing (to paraphrase the Single Responsibility Principle)

This framework is also built with jQuery so that you can enjoy some excellent AJAX-powered features. Furthermore, it has an easy skinning mechanism through which you have more options for customizing your website’s appearance.


With the Phalcon framework, users get a PHP framework that’s fast as a falcon. With its state-of-the-art MVC architecture and C language extension, it provides superior performance without requiring any extra work on your end.

Not to mention, you don’t even need to know all about this programming language; Phalcon exposes these benefits through its classes in strong working conditions already distilled from C/C++ code.


CakePHP is the first choice for many websites that demand high security or customization. With CakePHP, the lifetime of your application is guaranteed to be long and prosperous with its built-in security features like strong data protection, authentication protocols, etc.

It has a significant following among big brands such as BMW, Hyundai, and Express, which speaks volumes about CakePHPS’s performance capabilities.

Zend Framework

Zend Framework is robust in its support for PHP 7 while still supporting 5.5+. The framework has strong partners such as Microsoft and Adobe, so the company will continue to stay on top of innovations in web technology. 

ZF provides a fully functional free version with open source code available at GitHub without licensing restrictions or proprietary dependencies.

ZF continues to offer innovative features such as cryptographic coding tools, seamless drag and drop interface with front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), plus instant online debugging and testing for PHP units.


Slim is an easy-to-use PHP micro-framework for beginners with no prior knowledge of the language. It’s perfect when working on small projects or building a RESTful API where speed and simplicity are more important than robust features.

Slim provides many popular functionalities like routing, URL generation, session, and cookie encryption, as well as flash messages across HTTP requests – but its most impressive feature is based on reliability.

With support for “flash” messages throughout HTTP requests, you can rest assured that your code will function flawlessly. The User Guide has everything needed to get started in minutes!


FuelPHP is a robust, open-source framework for developing web applications. It provides all the necessary tools to address all of your full-stack PHP application needs. 

FuelPHP provides use cases typical in MVC layouts and HMVC layouts, which offer an improved design pattern to aid developers with complex and large projects.

Whether you require high-security features like output encoding or input filtering, preventive frameworks such as its authentication module, or modularity options such as extensions, FuelPHP has everything you need under one roof!


PHPixie is a lightning-fast new framework for creating read-only websites. The deployment of the PHPixie Framework has been heralded as the next big revolution in this industry!

PHPixie was created not in response to any particular technological need but of a growing concern despite being one of the most popular languages for developing web applications. 

PHPintuits wish they were better able to communicate their vision through technology and thus designed the PHPixie Framework with that precise aim.

And yet, it would appear that whoever is responsible is doing something right: At less than 2 years old and before even reaching General Availability, the early version of PHPixie already claims some 500k projects done via its very intuitive system.


If you’re looking for the best PHP framework to build large-scale applications, Laravel is an excellent choice. 

It will help your developers get started faster and remove many of the common headaches they might face with other frameworks. 

You’ll be able to see a productivity increase because it has features like auto-loaders that make development more efficient. 

And if you need support, there’s plenty available from our team of experts who are always happy to answer any questions or concerns about what we offer. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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